Feb Melee the Show, Tucson, AZ
Jan Untamed Splendor, Talon Gallery, Portland, OR
Oct Wilderness II, Antler Gallery, Portland, OR
Sept Mystical Menagerie, 827 Broadway, New York, NY
July Opulent Corpse, Talon Gallery, Portland, OR
May Tondo, Spoke Art / Talon Gallery, Portland, OR
Feb Ascent, Talon Gallery, Portland OR
April The Poison Garden, Talon Gallery, Portland, OR
September Salut II, Nucleus Gallery, Portland, OR
February Beneath the Tumult, Talon Gallery, Portland, OR
January Brink, Antler Gallery, Portland, OR
April Solo Show, Antler Gallery, Portland OR
February Screaming Sky, Portland OR
January LA Art Fair, Littletopia/Antler Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
November Tall Trees of Portland, Hellion Gallery/Chin Music Press, Seattle WA
October Tall Trees of Portland, Hellion Gallery/ City Hall, Portland Oregon
October Unnatural Histories, Antler Gallery, Portland, OR
September Ride, Pony Club Gallery, Portland, OR
July Unfathomable, Antler Gallery/Piranha Shop, Seattle WA
April LineworkNW Art + Illustration Festival, Norse Hall, Portland OR
March Equilux, Flatcolor Gallery, Seattle, WA
February Group Show, Antler Gallery, Portland OR
January Brink, Antler Gallery, Portland OR
October Keep A Breast Fundraiser, Blaine Fontana/ ADX, Portland OR
September Tres Anos 3rd Anniversary Show, As Issued, Costa Mesa, CA
August LP Cover Show, Hellion Gallery/MusicFestNW, Portland OR
July Put A Bird In It WeMake, Portland, OR
April 12-Inch Otaku, Hellion Gallery / Hatos Bar, Tokyo, Japan
March Tall Trees of Portland, Hellion Gallery, Portland, OR
February Group Show, Flatcolor Gallery, Seattle, WA
October Nostalgia, Pony Club Gallery, Portland, OR
October Put and Bird In It Fundraiser Show WeMakePDX, Portland, OR
September Portland Rocks, Screaming Sky, Portland, OR
July Shrouds and Sinew, Antler Gallery, Portland, OR
May Tragic Heroes, As Issued Costa Mesa, CA
February Portland As Fuck, Compound Gallery, Portland, OR
December End of the World Show, Compound, Portland, OR
November Haunted, Pony Club Gallery. Portland, OR
October Witchipedia, Pony Club Gallery. Portland OR,
May The Sweetest Apple, The Pony Club, Portland, OR
February Cervidae, Antler. Portland, OR
December 1 Year Anniversary Show, Hellion Gallery, Portland, OR
December Doodle, Compound Gallery. Portland, OR
November Pulp & Pigment, Hellion Gallery. San Diego, CA
October Monsterbation II, Pony Club. Portland, OR
October Nature of the Beast, Flatcolor Gallery, Seattle, WA
September PDX POP-UP Print Show, Hellion Gallery. Tokyo, Japan
June Skulls and Weed @ The Vestibule. Portland, OR June
June Senior Thesis Exhibition, Pacific Northwest College of Art. Portland, OR
May PNCA Illustration Juried Show, InScape Gallery. Portland, OR
October Monsterbation, Pony Club. Portland, OR
May Illustration Juried Show, Pacific Northwest College of Art. Portland, OR
May Illustration Juried Show, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, OR
February Dona Espai Chromatic, Tarragona, Spain